



For Carriers and Owner Operators

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Route planning

Automatic route design

Customize route design

Benchmark analytics

Market analysis

Rate analytics

Loads count

Ease of booking analytics

Best lanes search

Lanes comparison

Dispatch services at 4%

Custom loads


Backhaul routes

efData Pro


For Carriers and Owner Operators

Start Now

Everything in Standard and:

Load searching

Broker information




For Carriers and Owner Operators

Buy now*Signup**

Everything in Pro and:


Truckstop Pro membership included*

30% more of loads

Real-time updates

*After making the payment for this license through the TruckStop platform, please click on the signup button to register on the efRouting Platform.

**Upon completing your registration on efRouting, our support team will reach out to integrate your TruckStop license into the efRouting platform.

Frecuently asked questions

Do you have questions? At efRouting, we've got you covered.

Which are the accepted payment methods?

Can I get a free trial?

Is efData's Route Planner the best in the market?

How does the payment work with the dispatching service?

If I use the dispatch service, is there a minimum number of loads I must book montlhy?